Barkitecture’s online auction and People’s Choice Award voting is live!
You can bid and vote on your favorites through March 12th.
Check out this year’s entries and bid on a new doghouse for your fuzzy friends! All proceeds go directly to benefit thousands of animals at Young-Williams Animal Center!
2023 Entries

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How it works:
- Pull together a team of designers, builders, animal lovers, and other interested individuals.
- Design and build a doghouse or a cat tree.
- Your team will be paired with a business, where your creation will be displayed. Deliver your abode and let the bidding begin!
- Collect awards for CATegory champions and help Young-Williams raise some DOGgone money for their efforts.
- See your creation provide joy for an animal!
Critical Considerations:
- Your structure should be able to fit (whole or for assembly) through a standard 34” door.
- You will need to deliver your structure to its display site.
- You may need to assist the buyer of your structure in transporting it from the display site or provide them an assembly diagram.
- Materials matter—both for moving and for Most Sustainable Design! What can you keep out of a landfill as you create your structure?
- If your pet house is for exterior shelter, it should meet these requirements: It must have at least three sides and a weatherproof roof; have a solid level floor raised at least two inches from the ground and be adequately ventilated; it must provide shelter from wind, rain, sun, extreme weather conditions and the elements at all times (Knox County Code of Ordinances, Sec. 6-44).
June 1st: Registration opens
Dec. 31st: Registration deadline
Feb. 26th: Pet houses complete and ready to deliver
March 4th: Mardi Growl
March 4th – 12th: Online auction/voting live
TBD: Winners of auction and awards announced
Registration has closed for 2023
Do You Have Questions?
Please e-mail Sarah Peacock at speacock@bma1915.com or call (865) 934-1915, extension 221.